Sunday, October 7, 2007

Ali Gilmore

Name: Ali I'Isha Grimsley-Gilmore
Nickname: N/A
Date of Birth: 1/5/76
Date Missing: 2/3/06
Hometown: Tallahassee, Florida
Missing From: Tallahassee, Florida
Age at Disappearance: 30
Gender: Female
Race: African-American
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 180 pounds
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown
Glasses/Contacts: None
Identifying Characteristics: Pierced ears, Tattoo of the name Ali on right side of chest, Birthmark on abdomen, Four months pregnant at time of disappearance
Clothing: Unknown, Platinum diamond wedding ring
Circumstances: Ali was last seen at approximately 12:00am at her residence in the 200 block of Loraine Court in Tallahassee, FL

If you think you have any information regarding this case, please contact the Tallahassee Police Department at (850) 891-4200. Refer to Case Number 063913.

1 comment:

The Q © 2010 said...

I pray for all the missing persons and their family, friends & associates. It is a devastating blow to lose someone you know & love. I can't imagine losing someone under this circumstances and not know what happened.

I ache for the families.